Krav Maga ATX Rules & Etiquette
Please adhere to the following rules while training with Krav Maga ATX.
- All training and talking must cease when the instructor calls TIME. This is for everyone’s safety!
- Show up on time and ready to train!
- No training with outside shoes on the blue mats. Any athletic non-cleat shoes you only wear on the mats is acceptable. Barefoot is also acceptable.
- Remove jewelry, watches, or anything that could harm you or your partner.
- Come prepared. Bring water and your safety gear with you, including your mouth guard, groin protector, boxing gloves (if required), shin guards (if required), and any additional safety equipment (inhaler, insulin, knee braces, etc.).
- Do not talk over instruction. Leave cell phones put away.
- Do not take pictures or video during class without instructor permission.
- Wipe down and re-rack gym equipment after every class.
- Use your newfound skills and abilities for good, not evil. Do not bully, start fights, or otherwise harass people out in the world.
- No live weapons of any kind on the mats.

Krav Maga ATX Code of Conduct
The Krav Maga ATX Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put our values into practice. It’s built around the recognition that everything we do at Krav Maga ATX will be, and should be, measured against making our community a safer, stronger place.
About the Krav Maga ATX Code of Conduct
Who must follow the Krav Maga ATX Code of Conduct?
We expect everyone in our community, including Krav Maga ATX members, staff, owners, consultants, contractors, and service providers, to know and follow the Code of Conduct.
Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment, dismissal from our community, termination of contract, and more.
Moreover, while the Code is specifically written for Krav Maga ATX’s employees, staff, community members, board members, and owners, we expect Krav Maga ATX contractors, consultants, and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for Krav Maga ATX to follow the Code of Conduct in connection with their work for us. Failure of a Krav Maga ATX contractor, consultant, or other covered service provider to follow the Code can result in termination of their relationship with us.
Krav Maga ATX Code of Conduct
Very simply, our code of conduct as a community is broken into two sections: we increase the safety of our community and we support each other.
I. We increase the safety of our community.
This is our north star.
Our community values Krav Maga ATX because we deliver more than just self defense and fitness education. We hold ourselves to a higher standard than that. We’re a community and a family who takes care of each other. We’re a safe place and a safe haven.
Violence and threat of violence
We teach effective, usable skills in protecting ourselves and others. With that said, we will never use our newfound skills and abilities for evil. We do not bully, start fights, or otherwise harass people out in the world.
We are committed to a violence-free environment, and we will not tolerate any level of violence or the threat of violence in our community.
We also will not allow students in our community who have a history of violence, including domestic violence.
Drugs and alcohol
Consumption of alcohol is not allowed prior to participating in classes, events, seminars, or any other activity that could jeopardize the safety of yourself and your fellow classmates.
Illegal drugs are strictly prohibited from our premises. If a manager has reasonable suspicion to believe that someone’s use of drugs and/or alcohol may adversely affect the safety of students, community members, or others, the manager or owner may dismiss the student or staff member from participating in activities for the day.
Repeat offenders will not be allowed to train with us.
II. We support each other.
We are committed to a supportive environment, where everyone has the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
We are all expected to do our utmost to create a culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias, and unlawful discrimination.
Equal opportunity employment
Employment here is based solely upon individual merit and qualifications directly related to professional competence. We strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, veteran status, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other characteristics protected by law. We also make all reasonable accommodations to meet our obligations under laws protecting the rights of the disabled.
Harassment, discrimination, and bullying
Krav Maga ATX is dedicated to providing a safe and inviting experience for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion (or lack thereof).
We do not tolerate harassment in any form and reserve the right to remove anyone from the Krav Maga ATX community who engages in harassing behavior including, but not limited to, unwanted advances, stalking, verbal threats, inappropriate statements or gestures, sustained disruption of speakers, and disrespectful comments that go beyond the boundaries of civil disagreement and civic discourse. This may include remarks or actions that target people based on certain characteristics that include, but are not limited to, race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or disability status. This may also include remarks or actions in person within or outside Krav Maga ATX or online, including on Facebook, Instagram, text, or direct message.
Krav Maga ATX prohibits retaliation against any staff, owner, employee, or community member who reports or participates in an investigation of a possible violation of our Code of Conduct, policies, or the law. If you believe you are being retaliated against, please contact our Ethics & Compliance Team.
We treat each other with respect.
We won’t disparage anyone, either in public or in private. We do not gossip or spread lies or mistruths.
How is the Krav Maga ATX Code of Conduct enforced?
- Complaint is made to Ethics & Compliance Team, member of Management, or anonymously via email.
- A member of the E&C Team will reach out (if NOT anonymous) to the source of the complaint to gather additional information.
- The complaint and additional information gathered is documented on the Krav Maga ATX Conduct Violation Report form.
- A thorough investigation is conducted, including speaking to staff members about the incident.
- Consensus among the E&C Team is reached regarding action consistent with the severity of the infraction. Possible results include, but are not limited to: No action taken, speaking with the accused party about their behavior, temporary suspension from Krav Maga ATX, termination of contract (removal from Krav Maga ATX), and legal action.
- Recommendation of action is made to Management. Staff will be notified of the situation before action is taken. Management ultimately has the final say on what action is taken and will handle the process on appeals. Policies will be examined to determine if changes need to be made in light of the incident.
*Certain actions are grounds for immediate removal from Krav Maga ATX. These include, but are not limited to, threat of physical harm (verbal or via the internet), inappropriate physical contact, stalking, or fighting.
What if I have a Code of Conduct related question or concern?
We want to ensure you have plenty of ways to directly and anonymously contact us with questions and concerns regarding the conduct of our community, including students, staff, and managers.
You can submit a question or raise a concern of a suspected violation of our Code or any other Krav Maga ATX policy to any of the following:
- A Krav Maga ATX Manager
- Kaci Kai, CEO – kaci (at)
- Jeff Isacksen, VP of Internal Operations – jeff (at)
- Anonymously to conduct (at)
- Anonymously by mail to “Krav Maga ATX, ℅ Ethics & Compliance Team, 321 W Ben White Blvd, Suite 204-B, Austin, Texas 78704”
- Anonymously through our Code of Conduct Contact Form:
Anonymous Code of Conduct Contact Form
Last revised March 2022.